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Help with a formula to count specific cells, while excluding certain text - Google Sheets

  1. #1
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    Help with a formula to count specific cells, while excluding certain text - Google Sheets

    Hey Excel Forum, hope you can assist with this issue.

    Im pretty OK with excel, but for some reason I cant figure out this formula.

    Im trying to make sense of counting specific cells, with excluding certain text.

    Ive been using

    =SUMPRODUCT(--(D18:D54<>""),--(D18:D54<>"OFF")) - but the SUMPRODUCT doesn't allow me to skip rows, and I have data in between each row which I dont want included. Ive tried the COUNTIF formula as well, but no luck, as it throws errors.

    I know I can make additional rules for the SUMPRODUCT by continuing the formula and changing the criteria I need excluded, but the criteria changes a lot per column, and changes frequently, and it'll be a lot to continue to update.

    Im using Google Sheets.

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor janmorris's Avatar
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    Re: Help with a formula to count specific cells, while excluding certain text - Google She

    So that there is no confusion about the result you are trying to achieve, can you please build a sample for us in the following file:

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  3. #3
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    Re: Help with a formula to count specific cells, while excluding certain text - Google She

    Added to the sheet you linked above.

    Essentially I'd like it to count the cells in each column, while skipping the row of availability. I eventually got it to work by just adding more criterion to the SUMPRODUCT function, but due to the large amount of variances I have to exclude for availabilities it makes it pretty tedious.

  4. #4
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    Re: Help with a formula to count specific cells, while excluding certain text - Google She

    If I understand correctly and assuming that the values in B51:P51 are correct:
    1. Paste the following into cell B51 and drag the fill handle over to cell O51: =IF(B1="HOURS",SUM(B13:B23,B26:B49),SUMPRODUCT(--(B15:B49<>""),--(B15:B49<>"OFF")))
    2. [Optional] Paste the following into cell P51: =SUMIFS(C51:O51,C1:O1,"Hours")
    Let us know if you have any questions.
    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

  5. #5
    Valued Forum Contributor janmorris's Avatar
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    Re: Help with a formula to count specific cells, while excluding certain text - Google She

    can you put some sample data and explain which cells you want the count of?

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