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Making a spreadsheet to plan my day: Highlight current time

  1. #1
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    Making a spreadsheet to plan my day: Highlight current time

    I've created a (Google) spreadsheet that starts at 6:00 in the morning, all the way to midnight, in 15-minute steps (vertical/column).
    In Cell A1, there's the current time: =TEXT( NOW() ; "H:MM" )
    I would like to do a conditional formatting that will highlight in red the cell that reflects the current time.
    For example, if it's 15:51, the cell that has the time "15:45" written into it should be highlighted red.
    I assume it will automatically change color without having to refresh the page? (I wonder what happens when seconds are used, are cells then going to flash with multiple colors if one makes a conditional formatting of that kind...?
    The cell "15:45" should be colored red when the current time iis 15:45:00 ..... 15:59:59.
    Would someone be as kind as to show me how do to this?
    Thank you very much!

  2. #2
    Forum Guru HansDouwe's Avatar
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    Re: Making a spreadsheet to plan my day: Highlight current time

    Due to rounding differences that arise in Excel, try this conditional formula (applies to $B$2:...):
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    Replace B2 and $B$2 with the top left corner of the area containing the times.

    Unfortunately, the formula does not refresh automatically.
    Last edited by HansDouwe; 06-15-2023 at 07:47 AM. Reason: In the formula, the commas are replaced by semicolons

  3. #3
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    Re: Making a spreadsheet to plan my day: Highlight current time

    (found the solution)

    Hello HandDouwe, thank you a lot for helping me!

    I am sorry to say I didn't immediately understand your suggestion, and also your warning that it might not work automatically made me not look into it more deeply.

    Also I didn't find solutions on the internet close enough to what I was looking for.

    It then occured to me that I could ask ChatGPT and I was very impressed that it immediately came up with a solution. In fact I was wondering why you don't have a forum rule that says one is only supposed to ask questions when ChatGPT wasn't able to fix it! :-) Might also increase the quality of the board by reducing redundant / repetitive / too easy questions by newbies like myself, and give more time for the challening stuff.

    =AND(TIMEVALUE(TEXT(NOW();"HH:mm:ss")) >= TIMEVALUE("10:15:00"); TIMEVALUE(TEXT(NOW();"HH:mm:ss")) <= TIMEVALUE("10:29:59"))

    The formula works nicely and it updates fast and automatically. It looks great, I was "live" watching the bright red coloring jump from the 10:15 to the 10:30 cell, so cool!
    Last edited by cellix; 06-16-2023 at 04:33 AM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Making a spreadsheet to plan my day: Highlight current time

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