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Formula to make all rows show 0.0 till adding new values in google sheet

  1. #1
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    Formula to make all rows show 0.0 till adding new values in google sheet

    Need help on doing the following

    Sheet Binc

    column J and L
    ={"$ Per Maand";BYROW(B2:B,LAMBDA(timestamp,IF(LEN(timestamp),SUMIFS(F:F, ARRAYFORMULA(MONTH(B:B)), MONTH(timestamp)),)))}

    I have this formula, it is working, but when I make an entry in the last row of 0.0 in column E, it must then make all rows in column J before this value 0.0, and when I add new values, it must then
    show monthly values only from the new values


  2. #2
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Formula to make all rows show 0.0 till adding new values in google sheet

    This won't be doable with a formula. In Excel you'd need VBA - I don't know about GoogleSheets.

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