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Dynamically sort entire row (like sort sheet a to z) but dynamic

  1. #1
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    Google Sheets

    Dynamically sort entire row (like sort sheet a to z) but dynamic

    Is there a way to do a "sort" that will move not only the trigger column but the entire row?

    I would like the sheet to stay dynamically sorted by delivery date. The way I have it set up currently is orders land in sheet 1, then sheet 2 contains a sort formula on the Delivery Date column. Our production staff works off of sheet2 (it is important that they can work off the sorted sheet), and when they build an order they mark it built in column C.

    The issue I am encountering is when a new order comes in, Column C does not travel along with column B and so the data in column C (built) is no longer associated with the correct order.

    I know if I did a "Sort Sheet A to Z" the columns would move together but this solution is not dynamic. I would have to manually do it with each order which is not feasible.

    This forum will not allow me to post a link so I have exported it as .xlsx but I am working in Google Sheets.

    Thanks in advance for your help!
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  2. #2
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamically sort entire row (like sort sheet a to z) but dynamic

    Moved to the GoogleSheets section.

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  3. #3
    Valued Forum Contributor janmorris's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamically sort entire row (like sort sheet a to z) but dynamic

    Hi JoelFrancis,

    I have created a Google Sheets file for anonymous sharing, see here:


    Can you please give clear, detailed, and logical description of how the order information is added to your file?
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