
My 2006 Dell has almost had it so it’s time for a new Desktop.

After 20 years I am considering switching from Windows to an iMac for two reasons, (1) everyone tells me Mac's are great and (2) I’ve got Windows 8 on my new Notebook and I hate it.

My concerns are that my main usage of the computer (for work) are Excel and Outlook.

On Excel I make extensive use of keyboard shortcuts, such as F4 (repeat key) and old remembered ALT combinations (such as ALT, I, C inserts a column, that sort of thing).

These shortcuts, ingrained in my brain over 20 years are considerably faster than mouse equivalents, so I worry about losing those.

I also make a lot of use of both the Windows Delete and Backspace keys, and the numerical keypad, and I currently have a cool Logitech illuminated keyboard that helps me work in low light. (doesn’t seem to be an exact equivalent for Mac and Logitech won’t guarantee my Windows keyboard work would on a Mac).

I’ve heard you can run the Windows version of Excel using ‘Parallels’ on the Mac but I wonder will it be exactly the same as in Windows? Will all the features and shortcuts come across just like I was on a Window machine?

I'd be interested in any feedback please.

I need some convincing. :-)
