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Good Morning all. New here!

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2010

    Good Morning all. New here!

    Good Afternoon all.
    I am new here but not to excel. I am by no means a power user but use it every day in my work and at home as well. I am looking to expand my knowledge of more advanced functions while sharing in any way I can the things I have done.

    I am also embarking on a personal productivity project (GTD) and may use excel as a part of that. I use a PC in my home office and carry a laptop on some days when needed for work on the road. I recently acquired an Android based tablet to use for most of my travel based work and use “Documents to Go” for excel work while on the go with that.

    I'm glad to find the forum and hope I can contribute as I learn from others.


  2. #2
    Forum Moderator jeffreybrown's Avatar
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    Cibolo, TX
    MS-Off Ver
    Office 365

    Re: Good Morning all. New here!

    Hello Bill & Welcome to the Forum...
    Regards, Jeff

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