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Summing cells in every 14th row

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Summing cells in every 14th row

    I need to be able to add up the value of a cell in every 14th row.
    The spreadsheet contains the results from a daily report (30 days worth). Each report is 14 rows. I need to add the results of one line for each report.
    In other words I need to add cells I1, I15, I29, I43, I57; and then I2, I16, 130, I44, I58, etc.

    Can someone provide feedback?


  2. #2
    Duke Carey

    RE: Summing cells in every 14th row

    To get the first set:


    To get the second set:


    and so on

    "t2true" wrote:

    > I need to be able to add up the value of a cell in every 14th row.
    > The spreadsheet contains the results from a daily report (30 days
    > worth). Each report is 14 rows. I need to add the results of one line
    > for each report.
    > In other words I need to add cells I1, I15, I29, I43, I57; and then I2,
    > I16, 130, I44, I58, etc.
    > Can someone provide feedback?
    > Thanks
    > --
    > t2true
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > t2true's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...fo&userid=3877
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=387143

  3. #3

    RE: Summing cells in every 14th row

    there are multiple ways to do it.
    one is to use Sumproduct
    =sumproduct(--(mod(Row(I1:I1000),14)=1),I1:I1000) starting at row one
    =sumproduct(--(mod(Row(I1:I1000),14)=2),I1:I1000) starting at row two

    "t2true" wrote:

    > I need to be able to add up the value of a cell in every 14th row.
    > The spreadsheet contains the results from a daily report (30 days
    > worth). Each report is 14 rows. I need to add the results of one line
    > for each report.
    > In other words I need to add cells I1, I15, I29, I43, I57; and then I2,
    > I16, 130, I44, I58, etc.
    > Can someone provide feedback?
    > Thanks
    > --
    > t2true
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > t2true's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...fo&userid=3877
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=387143

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