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Worksheet Change event

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  1. #1
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    Worksheet Change event

    I have a range on one of my worksheets that I use the Worksheet change event for. The range is a column of about 200 rows where the user can enter percentages. Right now I have code in there that makes sure they don't enter a percentage less than a default one that has been already set. If they do enter one that is less, then a message is displayed and the value of that cell is set back to the default. The user is allowed to increase the percentage. However, if the user increases it and then goes back to the cell to try to make it lower than the default, then it sets it back to the default, not the higher value they had there previously. For example, if the default is 4% and then I increase it to 5% and then try to lower it to 3%, it will set it back to the 4% instead of 5%. Is there a way to set it back to what it previously had in there instead of setting it to the default.
    Also, another thing I noticed is that it calls the worksheet_change event even when I type in the same number that was there. For example, if the number was 4% and I type in 4% again, it calls that event. Is there a way to avoid that?

  2. #2
    Stephen Bullen

    Re: Worksheet Change event

    Hi Laf,

    > However, if the user increases it
    > and then goes back to the cell to try to make it lower than the
    > default, then it sets it back to the default, not the higher value they
    > had there previously. For example, if the default is 4% and then I
    > increase it to 5% and then try to lower it to 3%, it will set it back
    > to the 4% instead of 5%. Is there a way to set it back to what it
    > previously had in there instead of setting it to the default.

    One way is to use the Selection_Change event to store the original number
    in a module-level variable and set the cell back to that (assuming it is
    above the threshold level).


    Stephen Bullen
    Microsoft MVP - Excel

    Professional Excel Development
    The most advanced Excel VBA book available

  3. #3
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Worksheet Change event

    Another way is to use Application.undo in your code.

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub

    If Intersect(Target, Me.Range("b:b")) Is Nothing Then
    Exit Sub
    End If

    On Error GoTo errHandler:

    If Target.Value > 1 Then
    With Application
    .EnableEvents = False
    End With
    MsgBox "no, nope, na, na!"
    End If

    Application.EnableEvents = True
    End Sub

    LAF wrote:
    > I have a range on one of my worksheets that I use the Worksheet change
    > event for. The range is a column of about 200 rows where the user can
    > enter percentages. Right now I have code in there that makes sure they
    > don't enter a percentage less than a default one that has been already
    > set. If they do enter one that is less, then a message is displayed
    > and the value of that cell is set back to the default. The user is
    > allowed to increase the percentage. However, if the user increases it
    > and then goes back to the cell to try to make it lower than the
    > default, then it sets it back to the default, not the higher value they
    > had there previously. For example, if the default is 4% and then I
    > increase it to 5% and then try to lower it to 3%, it will set it back
    > to the 4% instead of 5%. Is there a way to set it back to what it
    > previously had in there instead of setting it to the default.
    > Also, another thing I noticed is that it calls the worksheet_change
    > event even when I type in the same number that was there. For example,
    > if the number was 4% and I type in 4% again, it calls that event. Is
    > there a way to avoid that?
    > --
    > LAF
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > LAF's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...fo&userid=9656
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=497520


    Dave Peterson

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor
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    MS-Off Ver
    Office XP and Office 2003
    The Application.Undo worked. Thank you very much!

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