I have been a member on these forum for quite a few years and find the advice and help from the members invaluable, so I have turned to you all with a problem.

In my profession we use a magnetic white board, segregated into Columns which represent weeks and each is separated into Rows which represent days of said week.
We use this as a Production Board, scheduling individual tasks by means of a magnetic card with a Job No. and other details positioned in the relevant day.
I/we want to migrate this system onto 2m LED screen, controlled via computer and available toall clients on our network with varying levels of access.
That's a little background.

These are my questions.
Firstly is anyone aware of software which could replicate, graphically at the moment?
If not is it possible to create a GUI which would replicate this in Excel, Access etc or would I be better of looking at other options?

Any help or opinions would be greatly appreciated.