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Motorbike helmets...

  1. #1
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    Motorbike helmets...

    Been riding for 25 years now and last summer I decided I was fed up with having to take my lid off when paying for petrol, etc, so I bit the bullet and bought myself £800 worth of flip top frontage with built in bluetooth, speakers and a partridge in a pear tree....

    and since then I've had more trouble with pillocks demanding I take my helmet off than ever before!

    I pulled into a BP station just off the A417 in Gloucestershire and went to fill up.....but nothing happened, pump not switched on. I did hear an odd noise coming out of the PA system at the garage but whatever it was was just bips and screeches. After a few minutes of waiting I went into the garage with the front of the lid flipped up, walked up to the desk and asked what the problem was, only to be told:

    "Take your helmet off at the pump."


    "It's company policy."


    "Cos it is."


    "You want me to remove a piece of safety equipment while sat on my bike parked on a slippery garage forecourt with spilt diesel and sand everywhere with cars driving past me at close quarters? No."

    "Well you can't have any petrol then."

    "Fine, where's the next garage?"

    "Oh....20 miles up the road!"

    "You lying c***. There's one 3 miles away and you know it. I think you're lying about the rule as well. I want your name, I want your managers name and I want the area managers name and contact details."

    And this fella turned purple.


    Again, another BP garage, this time at motorway services on the M4 near Reading. This time the PA system was working but it wasn't the lid they wanted off, they wanted me to get off the bike to fill it up.

    So....I wandered in and explained that if a bike doesn't have a centre stand then you have to sit on it to fill the tank or you'll never have a full tank. Didn't make any difference, this 18 year old wench behind the counter stuck to the same line over and over again. So.....I went out to the bike, waited for her to turn on the pump.....sat on my bike, filled it up and then got off again to go pay. The look this wench gave me.....


    My local Tesco supermarket.....

    I've been in there numerous times without taking the helmet off, flip the front up and it's fine.....until the day this absolute meat head security guard came up to me and just said.

    "Take your helmet off."


    "Cos I said so."

    Now that.....was not the right thing to say.

    "Yeah? Who died and made you queen of Sheeba then?"


    "Why do you want me to take my helmet off. I'll be reasonable, if you can give me a good reason why then I'll happily remove my helmet.....but I don't think you can give me a good reason." Secure in the knowledge that this double figure IQ'd pillock simply did not have the wit for this at all.

    "We've had trouble."

    "With what?"


    "Yeah you're gonna have to do a lot better than that. The usual reason for someone to want a biker to remove his lid is so you can see his face...." [waving my hand around in front of my perfectly visible face] "Need I go on? The other reason people want bikers to take a lid off is cos they think they're more dangerous with it on. Allow me to explain how motorcycle helmets work: The outer shell is hard but designed to flex to spread an impact out over as wide an area as possible. Underneath the shell is a shock absorbing material, usually something like polystyrene, to soak up the force of the impact. Now, as I'm sure you know, when you compress polystyrene you can't uncompress it again.....so what this means is that once a helmet has absorbed a shock it's ruined and you'll need to buy a new one. The upshot is.....if you're worried about being head butted by someone in a helmet, you'd be much worse off being head butted by someone without a lump of polystyrene in the way. Secondly, anyone wearing an £800 helmet isn't going to ruin it by headbutting you. And thirdly, if you really want scrotes in cheap helmets to take em off, well done cos you've just armed them with a club that can be swung with much more force than a head butt."

    He looked at me for a good 10 seconds and then just turned around and walked off.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Bob Phillips's Avatar
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Well that was £800 well spent. I am sure you could have spent a lot less to facilitate your Mr Angry persona.

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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Resistance is futile, you will conform!

    Seriously though, those are some strict rules.

    My mom says that I should always wear a helmet.

    You should get a creative helmet so that people can either a) have something real to complain about or b) have something interesting to talk about.
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Now now Bob, I'm not angry, I just refuse to take crap from fools and I'm dimly aware that most rules are made for fools with no common sense.

    Rules are made for other people to follow, not me. Anyone who thinks that rules must be obeyed without question doesn't understand the question. If someone informs me a rule exists the first thing I want to know is what the penalty is for breaking it, if you're gonna break a rule then you must be prepared to accept the consequences. Hence why I rarely travel over 100mph....I'm willing to accept 3 points and a fine, I'm not willing to accept a ban.

    If a pillock in a garage demands I take my helmet off I'm quite happy to go somewhere else. I will not be told what to do when the demand is unreasonable and made by a jobsworth with no intelligence.
    Last edited by swoop99; 03-19-2014 at 08:52 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    What exactly is the big issue with taking off your helmet?

    Do you treat all people with service jobs with such a horrible attitude or just those who ask you to take off your helmet?

    Do you frequently have issues with restaurant staff spitting in your food?

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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    The issue is it's a pain in the backside, a faff. Undoing the clasp, taking off my glassses and finding somewhere to put em down cos you can't take a lid off one handed, dragging the lid off my head.....and then it's all gotta go back on again. If it's winter and you're sealed in with scarfs it's even more of a faff. And since I've got an open face flip top helmet.....why the hell should I take it off?

    Give me one good reason.

    And in answer to your other questions, if someone's being a **** I'm gonna treat em like one.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert Bob Phillips's Avatar
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Quote Originally Posted by swoop99 View Post
    And in answer to your other questions, if someone's being a **** I'm gonna treat em like one.
    I would guess that is exactly what the people in the service stations are thinking. They have rules, they have to follow them, they don't need a**** giving them a hard time on top of having to work long hours on low pay.

  8. #8
    Forum Expert snb's Avatar
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Undoing the clasp, taking off my glassses and finding somewhere to put em down cos you can't take a lid off one handed, dragging the lid off my head.....and then it's all gotta go back on again. If it's winter and you're sealed in with scarfs it's even more of a faff.
    Why driving a motorcycle if it is burdening your weak condition so heavily ?

  9. #9
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Rules are made for other people to follow, not me
    Huh? Who made you the Queen of Sheeba?
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  10. #10
    Forum Expert macropod's Avatar
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Do these same petrol/gas stations that demand you remove your helmet so they can see your face have the same requirement re moslem women wearing veils, etc???
    Paul Edstein
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  11. #11
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Challenge for you guys:

    Give me a logical reason why bikers should remove open face helmets when paying for petrol.

  12. #12
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Re BP A417
    No excuse for an abrupt instruction with no please or thank you. If that's the first contact with you that's bad. But if I'm honest I think you're over egging the safety bit whilst sitting (not sat ) on your stationary bike. And a small pedantic point, if there's sand on the ground that's presumably to counter the effect of any diesel deposit. And was the diesel literally everywhere?

    Re M4 Reading
    I'm not a biker so what do I know. Except that it seems sensible that you shouldn't be astride your bike whilst filling in case you accidentally spilled petrol which might soak into your leathers or trousers. That's to avoid a problem for you. And if that were to happen there's a chance that some people astride a bike might just instinctively jump back and allow the bike to fall over thereby allowing the bike to deposit it's uncapped tank of petrol on the forecourt. That's a problem for others.
    Just because you want to fill your tank up to the brim isn't the garage's problem. The rule, if there is such a rule, seems eminently sensible to me. And just as a matter of interest how significant is the difference in volume of petrol if the bike is canted over a few degrees. Is it really that significant and important to you?

    Re Tesco.
    Again no excuse for the tone apparently adopted by the guard. He should know better when addressing customers. But has it never struck you that those who want to rob petrol stations often do wear helmets. And just because you have a flip up lid doesn't avoid the point that a robber could simply flip down the lid at any moment. If, as I believe the reason for requiring helmets to be removed is so that ccTv can more easily identify potential robbers then it seems an eminently sensible rule that helmets are removed. All talk of fear of headbutting is I suggest irrelevant.

    Are you always this angry?
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Honestly, the incidents I describe were absolutely initiated in the manner and tone I describe. Incidents where the fella in question has been polite don't get remembered as clearly.

    BP: Actually it was dark at the time so I've no idea but it is conceivable that a garage forecourt can be slippery. There's cars driving past, sometimes very close to bikes in order to get to another pump. *IF* a biker slips over on a forecourt then there's every chance he could be hit by a car or maybe crack his head on the pump/curb/bin/his own bike even. Wearing a safety helmet would help and being asked to remove it I think is ridiculous.

    M4: Actually, not brimming the tank on a bike can make 15 miles difference in range....and superbike tanks only give around 120miles of range in the first place. So yes, it makes a difference. And I would say the great majority of bikers will tell you it's easier to fill the tank sat on the bike.

    Tesco: Honestly, that's what he said. "Cos I said so.". As for me flipping the lid back down again.....well they've already got my face on CCTV when I walked through the door so it wouldn't make much difference if I wanted to rob the place.

    Am I always this angry: No, not until some t*** orders me to remove my helmet for no good reason in a rude tone.

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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Quote Originally Posted by macropod View Post
    Do these same petrol/gas stations that demand you remove your helmet so they can see your face have the same requirement re moslem women wearing veils, etc???
    I'm guessing not but that not really a valid argument imo. Women wearing Hijabs aren't known to be those that hold up gas stations are they? In fact, veiled women are probably more docile than most because (unfortunately) it's a part of their religion to be subservient (otherwise they wouldn't be covering up to the extremes that they are).

    Bikers on the other hand, could easily roll into a station, fill up, and roll out without anyone knowing what they look like. I know a guy (who knew a guy ) that used to do the gas-and-dash thing with (easily) stolen plates. He'd wear a bandana, go get gas, and blast out like a bat outta he77.

    @swoop, chalk it up to being a biker and at least you don't have to fill up very often.

  15. #15
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    If it's dangerous for bikers to be sans helmet on a garage forecourt what about all those helmetless drivers?

  16. #16
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    If you perceive every question as an 'order' you really have a problem.
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    And if you perceive 3 examples as being 'every question' then you're a bloody idiot.

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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    OK Swoop. post #17

    That's enough. Please stop it now before this gets out of hand. You are now clearly breaching the forum rule about courtesy.

  19. #19
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    This topic just got amped up! Is that a typical like-response to the attendants that are told to enforce company policies?

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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    I'm lost for words

  21. #21
    Forum Expert Bob Phillips's Avatar
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Quote Originally Posted by ragulduy View Post
    I'm lost for words
    You shouldn't be. The guy rides a superbike (is he middle-aged?), admits he is happy to drive at 100mph whilst the speed-limit is 70 max. But as he says, the rules don't apply to him, he can do as he wishes, but everyone else can't, they have to defer to him. Unfortunately, this seems to be a growing tendency,

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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Unfortunately, this seems to be a growing tendency,
    I couldn't agree more!

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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Quote Originally Posted by swoop99 View Post
    The issue is it's a pain in the backside, a faff. Undoing the clasp, taking off my glassses and finding somewhere to put em down cos you can't take a lid off one handed, dragging the lid off my head.....and then it's all gotta go back on again. If it's winter and you're sealed in with scarfs it's even more of a faff. And since I've got an open face flip top helmet.....why the hell should I take it off?

    Give me one good reason.

    And in answer to your other questions, if someone's being a **** I'm gonna treat em like one.
    wow, all I can say to that post - and to your attitude is...waaa. If you dont like it, and cant abide by their rules, take your business elsewhere, Im sure they couldnt care less
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    I had a 63 CH and got over 250 miles on a tank. The stupidest rule that I had to conform to was installing rear view mirrors on my handlebars - you couldn't actually use them as every image shook too much to discern. The legislators then made me put a cover on my front wheel??
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    ooh bikers..such rebels
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Shortly after I was married, we needed a second vehicle and had no money to afford one. I bought a 90cc Honda and commuted 10 miles north each day, aluminum briefcase strapped to the rear seat.

    One morning, I pulled up to the intersection of the main northbound drag (426 in Orlando), just catching the right turn as the light turned yellow. To my left were maybe 50 Harleys in two-abreast formation, some with two breasts in tandem, who fell in behind me as their light turned green.

    What to do?

    I moved to the center of the lane and put my feet on the handlebars.

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    Last edited by shg; 03-20-2014 at 11:08 PM.
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    It was 1968, I think, I was waiting for the light to turn green and about 50 bikers screamed up (they were riding Japs). While paused at the light they kept revving their motors - when the light turned, I just walked away from them - that was my moment

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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Quote Originally Posted by shg View Post
    some with two breasts in tandem,

    What to do?

    I moved to the center of the lane and put my feet on the handlebars.

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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Women wearing Hijabs aren't known to be those that hold up gas stations are they? In fact, veiled women are probably more docile than most because (unfortunately) it's a part of their religion to be subservient
    Not all women wearing Hijabs are necessarily wearing it for their religion, nor are they always women. In the news today, a woman was jailed for 12 years for dressing up in a Hijab as a disguise and throwing acid in her "friend's" face ... after an argument they had two years previously about looks. Talk about subservient.

    And there are stories about men dressing up as women, complete with Hijab as a disguise ... an example that springs to mind:

    Majid Tavakoli had tried to escape the security forces at the scene by "dressing up as a woman."
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    I moved to the center of the lane and put my feet on the handlebars.
    If that had been me, I'd probably have fallen over

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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Quote Originally Posted by TMS View Post
    Not all women wearing Hijabs are necessarily wearing it for their religion, nor are they always women. In the news today, a woman was jailed for 12 years for dressing up in a Hijab as a disguise and throwing acid in her "friend's" face ... after an argument they had two years previously about looks. Talk about subservient.

    And there are stories about men dressing up as women, complete with Hijab as a disguise ... an example that springs to mind:
    Of course I wasn't trying to imply that my statement was for all cases of the Hijab being worn, after all one cannot exclude outlier cases right?

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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    Unfortunately, you can't make assumptions about a lot of things. I suspect the guidance that staff have is, "ask bikers to take off their helmets". Full stop. And it is unlikely to have a caveat that says, "unless he looks like a mild-mannered gentleman in an open-faced helmet, the face is completely exposed and he's posing for the camera".

  33. #33
    Forum Expert martindwilson's Avatar
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    my local pub had a no hoodie and no hat rule.. purely to keep out the baseball hat wearing crowd..but it was applied evenly men in their 60's ,women no one was allowed to wear a hat in the bar
    Last edited by martindwilson; 03-22-2014 at 10:38 AM.

  34. #34
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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    I would be worried more if I had been asked to put a helmet on....

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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    In my golf club, wearing a hat into the bar is universally taken as an indication of your willingness to "shout the bar", in fact not so much willingness but an absolute penalty for ignoring a reasonable request agreed on by generations of members

    This may not have any bearing but it is the water cooler after all


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    Re: Motorbike helmets...

    OP - I am surprised you've has so much hassle!

    I wear a full-face helmet and always sit on my bike to fill it up. I have only ever once been asked to remove my helmet and I have never been asked to get off the bike.

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