Okay, here's the latest scoop.

I need this macro to be able to STOP in the BCC field name so that I can then paste the email name into. None of this code tells me how to do that. I did try macro recording to get the insertion point into the BCC field but have had no luck because the STOP button in the macro recorder is grayed out when in the email field.

I already tried this

1. Started the macro
2. Pressed ALT+J to go to the subject field
3. Pressed ALT+Tab to go to the BCC field
4. While in the BCC Field, I Typed in "BCC Text test"
5. Went to press the Stop button in the macro recorder, it is greyed out.
6. Because the Stop button was greyed out, I tried pressed tab 3 times
to go back into "Word" area of the document.
7. While in the "Word" area of the document, I typed "Body Text Test"
8. The Stop button was no longer greyed out, so I stopped
the macro recording by pressing the Stop button
9. And here's the resulting code:

Sub BCC03()

' BCC03 Macro

    Selection.TypeText Text:="Body text test"
End Sub
Notice that the following 2 things didn't even show up in the macro...

1. Shift+TAB to go to the BCC Field (even though I tabbed to this field)
2. The text "BCC Text Test" didn't show up at all (even though I typed it)

Any idea what I can do about this?

Thanks much