I am trying to create a scatter chart, which essentially replicates an ease/impact prioritization matrix, however I am having a few issues.
I have loaded an example file, however in there will be about 50 rows in each table so I wanted to check if there was an easier way to do what I wanted:

I would like each point plotted against the X (Ease) and Y (Impact) axis, with the data point labelled as per the scheme name in row A. I can only seem to do this by creating a separate series for each row, then selecting each data point individually, adding data label and then changing to the series name. I also want each of the marker styles to be the same, so I also have to select each of these manually and change the style and then the colour manually (I don't think I can escape changing the colour manually though)

So my question is - is there a quicker way to
- create the chart with both X & Y plotted, rather than selecting each row separately to create multiple series?
- label the data points
- change the style of the markers to the same

Scheme Ease Impact BC
Scheme A 5 119294 R
Scheme B 4 182064 A
Scheme C 2 378983 G
Scheme D 2 270430 R
Scheme E 1 459141 G
Scheme F 5 472217 A
Scheme G 2 60202 R
Scheme H 5 399478 G
