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Over crowded pie

  1. #1
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    Over crowded pie

    I created a pie chart with labels, because of the amount of labels it has become over crowded. The labels are overlapping each other.
    How can I show only the labels that are over >3% of total? Maybe there is another similar idea, please let me know.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Excel 2019

    Re: Over crowded pie

    Credit this proposed solution to Jon Peltier.
    Actual values are in column B,
    Column C is populated using: =IF(B2<=0.03,"",B2)
    After the pie chart has been set up click on one of the data labels twice,
    In the formula bar type = then click on the cell in column C that corresponds to the slice represented by the data label, formula should read i.e. =Sheet1!C2 (not just =C2).
    Repeat for each data label.
    Note that you will then be able to change the values in column B so that the data labels for those slices are either displayed or hidden.
    Test by changing the value of B2 to .01 and the value of B5 to .34
    Let us know if you have any questions.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Over crowded pie

    Thank you
    Fascinating, but I don’t understand how you open a formula bar for the data label. How do you insert a formula for data label?

  4. #4
    Forum Guru
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    Excel 2019

    Re: Over crowded pie

    The first time that you 'click' on a data label all of them will be selected. If you 'click' on one a second time then only that data label will be selected. Once you have a single data label selected type an equal sign in the formula bar (window above the columns) and select the cell to which you want that data label linked. So not really opening anything.
    Perhaps Jon's article will explain better than I.
    The method used in post #2 comes from Jon's reply to Heidi on August 1, 2013: [quote]My suggestion was to use custom labels, by adding regular labels and then linking each label to its own cell. These cells have formulas that, based on other cells, show a label like “B” in Rishu’s example, or nothing (“”), something like =IF(A1>5,"B",""). The labels that show “” still exist, but do not appear, because they link to the cells that show "".
    Let us know if you have any questions.

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