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Help developing charts with multiple data sets

  1. #1
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    Help developing charts with multiple data sets

    Hi all,

    Hoping someone here can assist me. I am trying to make some charts which effectively tell progress of data on a weekly basis however there are a number of different fields and I am confused/struggling with how best to represent this data.

    Essentially I need to demonstrate progress on a weekly basis across a number of subjects as well as the overall totals but I am having a nightmare trying to find a way to do it and have it look good. It doesn't need to be on one chart if that is not physically possible or putting it all onto one just looks like an absolute mess so if it is best split across two say one for the totals and one breaking down the data that gets to those totals then that is fine. I have attached a workbook stripped of any sensitive information and with my data as an example.

    I really hope the following makes sense but apologies if it does not, hopefully the workbook will make more sense when reviewing it. My worksheet is split like this:

    1. Row 2 - This is where the headings are for each week. On a new week the data will be entered into the column for that week. For example at the end of the week 18/06/21 I will insert all the data into column F and then end of the following week would column G etc.
    2. The data comes with 4 overall 'Total' fields. You can see this in the formula but essentially Row 10 totals Row 3-9 in progress, Row 18 totals Row 11-17 awaiting review, Row 26 totals Row 19-25 investigating and lastly Row 34 totals row 27-33 overall totals.
    3. The totals data is comprised of 7 subjects (Int, Dom, Global, Local, Web, TBD and Unknown)
    4. I need to somehow demonstrate weekly progress of all total fields whilst also finding a way to demonstrate how those totals are made up. For example, how each of the individual subjects are performing in those totals.
    5. So a chart which demonstrates Rows 10, 18, 26 and 34 as the weeks progress.
    6. Charts that demonstrate Rows 3-9, 11-17, 19-25 and 27-33.

    If there is a more effective way to have my data represented that makes building charts easier then feel free to change the format around as this is not fixed, I might be making it more difficult due to how it is arranged.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, and again apologies if the above and attached is too confusing/I have not worded it very well.

    Many thanks in advance.
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  2. #2
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    Re: Help developing charts with multiple data sets

    What do you think of a stacked area or stacked column chart?
    1) Select C2:L9 (note that row 10 is not needed for the chart).
    2) Insert -> Chart -> Area/Stacked area chart.
    3) Repeat for each group (rows 11:17, rows 19:25, etc).

    You have charts where each colored stack/data series shows each category's contribution to the group's total. The overall height of all stacks is the total. Each separate chart represents a group. It can be hard to read details from a stacked chart, but it should be easy to visualize categories with large contributions, those with small contributions, and those with middling contributions.

    To make it easier to read, I would probably "sort" the categories in each group so that the largest contributions are at the top of each list (at the bottom of the chart) and the smallest contributions are at the bottom of each list (top of the chart). I wouldn't adhere too strictly, because I would also want the categories to be in the same order in all the groups. There do seem to be trends that suggest that, for example, Dom might want to be the first category and Int might be better as the last category or something like that.

    What do you think?
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

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