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Data labels are "behind" shape that is part of the chart. How do I "bring them to front"?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Data labels are "behind" shape that is part of the chart. How do I "bring them to front"?

    I have a chart (see attached pic) that has a shape (arc) created to be part of the chart so when I copy the chart, the shape comes with it. I can make the arc change size to align with my 2 "core" parts. The problem starts in that, small pieces of the pie have the leader lines, so the white font does not show up against the background. I fixed this, so that any label outside the limit I give will be given a black font.

    All that is fine. The problem is that, for some reason, the labels show up "behind" the chart shape. I don't see any attribute regarding moving labels back/front.

    The shapes can be moved front/back, but it has no effect on labels.

    I even tried doing it via VBA by:

    ActiveChart.Shapes("Block Arc 7").Select
    Selection.ShapeRange.ZOrder msoSendToBack

    Which can work on shapes that are part of the sheet, but not part of a chart. (The above code was "ActiveSheet.Shapes..." that I changed to "ActiveChart.Shapes...", which is how to access the embedded shapes. The code runs, ok, but also does not do anything in terms of seeing it vs. the labels.

    Do the labels have some attribute I could get at? This seems rather odd.



  2. #2
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: Data labels are "behind" shape that is part of the chart. How do I "bring them to fro

    The shapes are on a different layer to chart elements and will always be on top.

    You could try using a combination chart to draw the arc.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Data labels are "behind" shape that is part of the chart. How do I "bring them to fro

    Ok, I managed a work-around.

    I made the shape be a sheet shape rather than a chart shape (if that's the right terminology - which it probably isn't - lol).

    I can then make that be a layer below the chart. Then I grouped the chart and the shape, and it acts the way it should.

    Thanks for the input, Andy.

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