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autofill and autocopy of cells from other worksheets

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    autofill and autocopy of cells from other worksheets

    EDIT: Ugh, sorry guys this is the wrong forum. I only noticed AFTER I posted. Really sorry
    Anyway, if you could still answer or tell me how I can move this post to the right forum (and which one is the right forum) that would be great!

    Hey everyone,

    Can anyone please tell me how to do this? Just bear with me until I explain what I need to do. Thanks and... here we go!

    I have 1 MAIN worksheet that is named TOTALS and 12 secondary worksheets (one for each month of the year) that are called.... January, February, etc.

    Now, the main worksheet has 12 columns (each one corresponding to each month, thus to each of the secondary worksheets that I will pull data from to populate the main sheet's cells). This main worksheet also has 34 rows, one for each campaign I am running in Adwords.

    I will update this excel file every month for the year 2014 as it follows. At the beginning of each month I will manually fill the worksheet for the previous month with data pulled from my Adwords account, and I want each time I do this that the main worksheet (the one labeled TOTALS) updates itself with the aggregated (sums, or averages where appropriate) data, OR (and this is actually the reason I am asking here) with data copied ad-literam from the corresponding worksheets.

    I know how to use functions in excel (sums, averages, etc.) so that's not where I'm stuck at. What I need to know is how to make the main sheet update itself with the data from other sheets exactly like I put it in those secondary sheets.

    Here's an example of what I mean. Say that in January I spent $50 on campaign no.1 and $100 on campaign no. 2.

    Now, when I go to the worksheet for January to enter $50 for campaign 1, and $100 for campaign 2 I want these numbers to automatically appear in the main worksheet (the one labeled TOTALS) in their corresponding fields. So, as you can see, this is not a "=SUM()" type of function that I need, but rather a simple copy cell type of function.

    Here's the thing. I googled how to do this for one cell and I found the answer very quickly. The answer was this:

    1) go to the worksheet you want to pull data from
    2) select the cell you want to copy
    3) click "copy"
    4) go to main sheet (the one named TOTALS)
    5) click "paste"
    6) a "paste options" icon appears, click on it and select "link cell"
    7) DONE!

    So yeah, I did this without a problem. And doing so, I looked at what the naughty Excel put into that cell for me and I saw this: "=January!$E$3"

    Still with me? Ok

    Now, with all other functions (sums, averages, etc.) when I select the cell containing the formula above (=January!$E$3) and drag the "autofill" handle to the right/down all other cells autopopulate as they should. But not this time and this is where I'm stuck at.

    More specifically, when I drag that handle over the remaining cells, instead of the cells autofilling with their correspondent data, they just copy the above formula into ALL cells. Again, this is where I'm stuck at and what I need help with. I'm sure that such a cool program like excel can do this somehow, I just don't know how (yeah, I'm beginner, don't bash me please!). And what really bothers me is that I didn't find anything in Google either, probably because I don't know the correct search query that I need to type into big G.

    So, anybody in here that knows how to do this and can help me? I would appreciate it.

    Eventually, I could just copy that formula into all cells and then replace "January" with all other months, and "$E$3" with "$E$4", "$E$5", etc. 12 columns x 35 campaigns equals 420 cells that I'll have to manually fill. It will probably take me 15-20 minutes. That's not exhausting I know, but I wanna learn how to do it the easy way, if that's possible.

    So yeah, let me know if you know how to do this

    Thanks and awaiting for your answers
    Last edited by monere; 07-11-2014 at 01:02 PM. Reason: posted in wrong forum

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