I am trying to make a food cost worksheet that will calculate how much a recipe is costing me to make. I currently have two worksheets in my document. Sheet 1 is called "Ingredients Cost" and Sheet 2 is called "Fettuccine Alfredo" (my first recipe I am analyzing).

In my "Ingredients Cost" sheet I have the name of the ingredient as well as cost information (package size, serving size, cost per serving, etc.). In my "Fettuccine Alfredo" sheet I have several fields - Ingredient (which I will populate the name from the "Ingredients Cost" sheet (i.e. ='Ingredients Cost'!A11). I will manually enter the recipe information (how much I need of the ingredient). I then need the "Cost Per Unit" to populate from "Ingredients Cost" sheet based on the ingredient I chose.

In other words, I need a formula that would know that cell A3 on sheet "Fettuccine Alfredo" (my ingredient) is pulling from cell A11 on sheet "Ingredients Cost" - and would then populate cell D3 on sheet "Fettuccine Alfredo" with cell I11 on sheet "Ingredients Cost."

I am currently having to do this manually for each ingredient and it would be a huge time saver to have a formula. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!! Thank you so much!