I'm currently modifying a tab in excel to assemble a printable contract based upon the estimating formulas and functions that have been built out on other tabs in the same worksheet. I have built multiple reference formulas and have been successful at pulling the info over based upon a few variables.

However, I only want this tab to include pages in the page count where the lookup/index formulas on the page do not come back as false or with no information. For example, within the contract I include an "equipment covered in this contract" section. This could be any number of pages from 1 - 10 or more and is only known on a case by case basis. Currently my reference formulas look similar to:

=IFERROR(TRIM(VLOOKUP(B118,'Equipment Reference'!A:B,2,FALSE)), "")


=IF(ROWS(A$119:A119)>N$118,"",INDEX('CP Board'!B$27:B$2000,
SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("PS"&"|",'CP Board'!B$27:B$2000&"|")),
ROW('CP Board'!B$27:B$2000)-ROW('CP Board'!B$27)+1),ROWS(A$119:A119))))

However even if they do not display information on a page (Because all equipment was previously listed) that page still shows in the overall page count (1 of 2 pages....etc.)

Is there a setting, or another way to write the formulas above so that a page is only included if the formula displays information (in this case it would be equipment)?

Thanks for your help!