I hope the title kind of explains what i'm trying to accomplish here, but basically I have a workbook with worksheet names Item 1, Item 2 -- all the way to 50.

I used indirect to link a summary page to the sheet names, so if we have to add more sheets (items) we can just drag and drop down, without having to manually type 'Item 51', etc.

=INDIRECT("'Item "&ROW()-9&"'!A5")

Is the command I'm using.

That part works, but the problem I'm having is that if someone adds a row above A5 on Item 1 (Worksheet) the A5 part doesn't dynamically update to A6 on the summary page. I'm assuming because it's in the Indirect(). So it essentially breaks the reference on the summary sheet.

So my question is, is there a way to fix this within Indirect? Or am I SOL on using indirect for this purpose?