I need to figure out how to do an index/match over multiple columns. This formula below works fine for one column, but I can’t seem to get the correct formula for multiple columns.
=IFERROR(INDEX(Records!$A$2:$A$150,MATCH(1,(Records!$A$2:$A$150='Employee List'!A2)*(Records!$B$2:$B$150='Employee List'!$F$2),0)),"")

To help simplify what I need
For cell “Employee List” G2, I need it to look in “Records” B2, D2, E2, G2 to attempt to match what is in “Employee List” F2. If it finds a match, then I need it to place the value of “Employee List” F2 into “Employee List” G2 cell. If there is no match, I need the cell to be blank. Training Data Base Test.xlsx

It must also match Employee Name in “Employee List” column “A” against the Employee Name in “Records” Column “A”