Hi all,
new to cubesets and having fun exploring :-)
I have a cubeset as below, works fine when I select a specific month or year, but when I want to do a cuberankmember query to bring back the most sold products based on Jan and Feb, the data comes back unsorted or with duplicates..

this works:
=CUBESET("DATA";"[Time].[Year_Month_Date_Hierarchy].[All].[2016].[Jan],[Store].[Country - Store].["&$B$1&"],[Product].[Line].&[1],[Product].[Ref].[All].Children)";"CRITERIA";2;"[Measures].["&$C$1&"]")

this gives duplicate products and not ranked:
=CUBESET("DATA";"({[Time].[Year_Month_Date_Hierarchy].[All].[2016].[Jan]:[Time].[Year_Month_Date_Hierarchy].[All].[2016].[Feb]},[Store].[Country - Store].["&$B$1&"],[Product].[Line].&[1],[Product].[Ref].[All].Children)";"CRITERIA";2;"[Measures].["&$C$1&"]")

B1 is country
C1 is measure

I'm sure it's something obvious, would appreciate any help!
Thanks and have a great day!
