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Check if Person Belongs Based on Given Information

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    New York, USA
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    Excel 2010

    Check if Person Belongs Based on Given Information

    I have a worksheet named "Scoring" where Column B has people's names and Column's C-E have their rooming assignments for Day 1, 2, and 3, respectively. For an example, see below:

    B C D E
    3 John 10 5 16
    4 Person 2 14 3 8
    5 Person 3 14 9 30
    5 Person 4 16 1 3
    6 Person 5 1 7 19

    From this example, you can see that during Day 1, John is in Room 10. On Day 2, John is in Room 5. And on Day 3, John is in Room 16.

    In the same workbook, I have excel sheets for each set of rooms (1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-25, and 26-30). I would like to extract the data from the master sheet, "Scoring" so that it is split up nicely into each of these sheets.

    For example, In the Sheet "1-5," I want to see a list of the 25 people in Room's 1-5 (5 per room) for each day.
    In the Sheet, "6-10," I want to see a list of the 25 people in Room's 6-10 for each day.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Microsoft Excel for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2402 Build 16.0.17328.20068) 64-bit

    Re: Check if Person Belongs Based on Given Information

    Please post a sample workbook showing expected results.

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