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Trying to create a simple costing model on excel

  1. #1
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    Trying to create a simple costing model on excel

    So basically this is what I'm trying to do.

    I have a worksheet that has specific column headers e.g A1=Model, B1=Size, C1=Speed etc.

    I need to create a formulae that automatically locates the column header and goes through the column (starting at row 2) and searches its corresponding value from a master sheet database which contains all the values.

    I already use a vlookup formulae to lookup the value in A2, A3..... which looks like =vlookup(A2,Model!C:D,2,FALSE). The problem is the lookup value has to be in the same column every time (Column A) and I have to manually drag the formulae down to the number of rows that match however many models there are (The rows will change every time but the Column headers will remain the same). Is there a way the I can automatically lookup the values from my Model sheet given a Column with the header Model and every time I change the amount of rows it automatically re adjusts?

    E.G. sheet

    1 Model
    2 Ford
    3 Dodge
    4 Ferrari
    5 Porsche
    6 Ford

    =vlookup(automatically go into Model column and start at row 2,Model!C:D,2,False)
    =vlookup(automatically go into Model column row 3,Model!C:D,2,False)
    =vlookup(automatically go into Model column row 4,Model!C:D,2,False)

  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Trying to create a simple costing model on excel

    Hi, welcome to the forum

    Sounds like you need to look at the INDEX/MATCH/MATCH combo for this, but to give more precise help, I suggest that you upload a small (clean) sample workbook (not a pic) of what you are working with, and what your expected outcome would look like.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Trying to create a simple costing model on excel

    Thanks for the quick reply. I've uploaded a sample workbook of what I want my costing model to look like.

    The only thing changing in this example would be the supplier sheet which I would upload every time but the column headers on each supply sheet would remain the same.

    Also, if for some reason the Model is not found using the vlookup in the database than it would be great if it showed me what the model was on the costing page. I've attempted to do this myself but again, it is not automated and will required me to drag the formula down to match the number of rows.

    Thanks for your help and look forward to the response
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