Hi all,

I've been breaking my head on this all day, can't figure out why it isn't working. All help is welcome.

I have a worksheet with a list of processes. To the right of the data I've added columns that look up issue numbers based on the process name in an issue table on another worksheet. I want to apply conditional formatting on the issue numbers to highlight their status. The status is contained in the same issue table.

To look up the issue numbers I use a helper column in the issue table and this formula:
IFNA(VLOOKUP($B4&" - "&COLUMNS($O$1:O1);Findings;MATCH(Findings[[#Headers];[Nr]];Findings[#Headers];0);FALSE);"")

Then in my conditional formatting I use the calculated issue number (the outcome of this formula) to lookup the status in the issue table Findings. So for the status closed I use the formula:

But when I put the formula in the conditional formatting dialog, nothing happens. I do see that Excel puts extra double qoutes (") around my formula.
I have tested the formula in a regular cell and only get TRUE or FALSE values, so that should not be a problem, right?

What am I missing here?

Thanks in advance.