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list all values that begin with a specific letter

  1. #1
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    list all values that begin with a specific letter

    I am able to use the following to list all values in a column (C2:C3177) of one spreadsheet that have the value (C6) in another spreadsheet - works very nicely


    What I'd like to do is list all the values in C2:C3177 that start with a specific letter - preferably this letter would be defined by the value in a cell (eg C6)

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    Did you try this?


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  3. #3
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    Many thanks Ali - should have spotted that's where I could add the Left function - keep up the great help! and Merry Christmas

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    Happy to help. Merry Christmas!

    If that takes care of your original question, please select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED. Thanks.

  5. #5
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    Ah - whlist we're here - the next step would be to count the number of cells in the column that start with the value in C6

    I can use =COUNTIF(Sheet1!C2:C3177,"c*") to find how many start with c but would ideally like the formula to be based on the value in C6 so I can change it as needed?

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    It's a completely different question (!), however did you try this?


  7. #7
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    Oops - sorry - yes I suppose it is - that work's great - how's sunny Ipswich this morning - I'm up in windy Norwich

  8. #8
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    It's not windy (yet!), but it is dull. Very mild, though - 10C.

    I do the website for a Norfolk watercolour artist, so I am very familiar with the beauty spots up your way!

  9. #9
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    Unseasonably mild! Thanks again Ali

  10. #10
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    If that takes care of your original question, please select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED. Thanks.

  11. #11
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    Hi, apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but... the OP states the scenario I am trying to solve (list all values that begin with a specific letter) but the formula provided by AliGW isn't working for me.

    I have a long list of 'names' (multiple words and single words e.g. 'Me Too', 'Tubbies on Telly' or 'Footing') on a sheet. For context this is a logbook of rock climbs in different places.
    On a different sheet I want to list all cells that start with a specific letter that is entered in cell M1.

    I modified Ali's formula to use my sheets =INDEX('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$7263,SMALL(IF(LEFT('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$7263,1)=$M$1,ROW('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$7263)),ROW(1:1))-1,1)
    but it returns #VALUE! unless I make it an array formula by doing ctrl+shift+enter, at which point it returns a valid name from the list but this name does not start with the letter entered in cell M1. e.g. M1 = "J", result given is "Thriving Sincerity".

    Is there some I'm missing here?

    I have been generating similar lists from this data, returning the names based on what 'place' I select from a dropdown box using this formula:
    =IFERROR(INDEX('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$7642,AGGREGATE(15,6,(ROW('all boulders'!$B$12:$B$7642)-ROW('all boulders'!$B$12)+ 1)/('all boulders'!$B$12:$B$7642 =$H$1), ROW('all boulders'!$A1))), "")
    The value in $H$1 is the selected 'place' that I want the list of names to be at. i.e. 'Tubbies on Telly' is at a place called 'Fontainebleau'.
    I am able to drag this formula down until it returns '0' when there are no more names listed as being in Fontainebleau.

    I thought I might be able to modify this formula to list all names beginning with a specific letter by using the LEFT formula instead of the AGGREGATE formula but I can't get it to work.

    I confess I am not knowledgable with excel formula. Up to now I have found answers to my problems by searching the web and manipulating the suggested solutions I find. e.g. I can't explain to you/anyone how the above formula works exactly but I kind of see what it is doing!

    Apologies for the long, potentially confusing, post. I hope one of you amazing peeps can help me out.

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  12. #12
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

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