Basically I have this database in Microsoft Access of incidents that happen in my stores. The overwhelming majority of incidents are minor and don't need further analysis. Some, however, need to be reviewed with our store management team. I typically just pull all the necessary info from Access and drop it into a Word document. But its tedious to do weekly and can lead to mistakes in manually pulling the info. I was wondering if there was a way to have excel automatically pull the necessary incidents into a spreadsheet automatically. I know there's a way to link up the two applications, but I don't know how to get excel to only pull what I need.

Basically, if one column says "yes", (column E) excel would pull and drop in roughly 4 more data sets (columns A through D) from the same access entry (date, store name, description, employee who submitted it). If that same column says no, excel wouldn't pull in this incident's info.