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League Table auto update RANK goes lower than avaliabe on table

  1. #1
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    League Table auto update RANK goes lower than avaliabe on table

    I am creating a league table that auto updates based on the fixtures sheet, as well as allowing the user to select a number of teams to use in table.

    However due to the number of teams being customisable it is messing with the RANK system that I am using, as if a team is on 0 points but is losing games then there rank will be lowered but due to there being more teams in the dummy sheet this means that if you have a league of 13 teams, then the team that loses will be ranked lower than 13 and as such will not show on the table and would be replaced by a blank team (shown as a 0).

    Is there anything I can do to get the unused ranks to don't show up and as such make it so that if 13 teams is selected then the lowest rank to use is 13 but if 34 teams is selected then all 36 ranks will be used.

    Any help will be appreciated.
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  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Re: League Table auto update RANK goes lower than avaliabe on table

    Hello killhi12 and Welcome to Excel Forum.
    Try modifying the formula in the RANK column on the Dummy Table sheet to read: =IF(ISTEXT(C4),SUM(E4:I4),"")
    Let us know if you have any questions.
    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

  3. #3
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    Re: League Table auto update RANK goes lower than avaliabe on table

    Thanks for the reply JeteMc, that new formula works perfectly, and I understand what it does and how to use it so that is a plus as well, so thanks again for your time in helping me with the problem.

  4. #4
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    Re: League Table auto update RANK goes lower than avaliabe on table

    You're Welcome. Thank You for the feedback and for marking the thread as 'Solved'. I hope that you have a blessed day.

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