Hello Everyone,

I am trying to find the latest date based on a condition from a range of data that is unlimited. i can do it if the range is limited and defined but i am having trouble trying to figure out what to do if the range is unlimited. i can't use Maxifs because i have excel 2016. Here is what i have...

I have a register that is auto-generated from an invoice using vba. It contains a date column and a customerid column.

First Sheet: Register
InvoiceDate CustomerID
17-Feb-21 1
18-Feb-21 2
18-Feb-21 1
12-Jan-20 3
12-Dec-20 4
14-Mar-20 1
17-Jul-20 2
19-Feb-20 1
19-Feb-20 2
Both the date and customerid columns are autogenerated daily

I made a second sheet called "Latest". In this sheet, i want to know the latest date that an invoice was generated for a customer. So when i enter customerid no. 1 in the first column, the second column should automatically give me the latest invoice generated for this customer.

CustomerID Latest Invoice Date
1 ?

The user can enter any CustomerID in the first column
The second column should automatically show the latest date from the Date column in the Register sheet

I would be grateful for any advise.
Thank you in advance.