
If this is in the wrong area, please let me know as I am a newer user.

So my problem is with taking information that another coworker will fill out on one sheet, and use it to automatically filter for a Master Contact sheet.

This is the form that gets filled out

Sheet 1.pdf

So there are multiple jobs a crossed row 11 D:R that have different Categories to each. They mark them with an X so we know who we need to reach out to for a job. I then take those X and consolidate them into Column X by their Category abbreviation.

The second sheet is out master call log like this Print 2.pdf

Where we have all of the companies information.

What I want to do is have our coworkers fill out the categories in the first sheet, and have it automatically filter the Companies by those categories. We are trying to streamline the data entry as much as possible so we are not repetitively entering the same data on multiple sheets.

I was just going to use a simple table and slicer but on Master Contact Sheet there are multiple Categories in one cell together, that makes it its own filter. So if someone does Culver Supply ; Drainage Structure Supply, I only want a filter option for One or the other (If easier, The Full Culvert Supply category on the Contact list can be changed to TF3 to match the Categories on the fillable data sheet. The Slicer does not populate the filter options as I hoped. I could break them all into separate columns for each of their categories but wanted to know if there is any easier way for this? Any Ideas are appreciated.