Hi folks - hoping someone can help me here. I've spent the past 3 days trying to figure this out and I'm about ready to rip my hair out.

I am looking to mirror one workbook on another, so that when changes are made on the original, the new one automatically updates. But when I say mirror, I mean everything - fonts, cell colors, text, etc. If I insert a column in Workbook1, I want it to add the column on Workbook2. If I highlight a cell a new color, I want that same cell on the 2nd sheet to update to the new color.

- INDEX does the automatic updates of the data and columns/rows, but not the colors.
- VLOOKUP is the same.
- =Cell updates the data but nothing else.
- Query put everything into a table, which I don't want, and only returns the data.

There's got to be a way to do this without going through all the hassle of OLAP and cubes. Can anyone provide some insight?