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Sumproduct Count multiple criteria with range over multiple rows and columns

  1. #1
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    Sumproduct Count multiple criteria with range over multiple rows and columns

    Hey everyone,

    Any help would be greatly appreciated...

    Struglling to figure out a formula to count multiple criteria with range over multiple rows and columns... assuming I need a SUMPRODUCT but cant workit out.

    I have attached an example workbook with further explanation, but I'll also have a go at describing below:

    Values are within C8:K17
    Dates in C7:K7
    Asset ID in B8:B17

    I need a forumla in N8 that looks at a start date in N7 and end date in O7 and asset ID in M8. With the below logic

    Count how many values in C8:K17 if:
    C8:K17 > 100
    C7:K7 >= N7
    C7:K7 < O7
    B8:B17 = M8

  2. #2
    Forum Expert azumi's Avatar
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    Re: Sumproduct Count multiple criteria with range over multiple rows and columns



  3. #3
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    Re: Sumproduct Count multiple criteria with range over multiple rows and columns

    Unfortunately that just returns the value from the INDEX MATCH MATCH criteria. I need something the counts the amount of values that meet all criteria.

  4. #4
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    Re: Sumproduct Count multiple criteria with range over multiple rows and columns

    Managed to figure it out...


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