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list all values that begin with a specific letter

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    list all values that begin with a specific letter

    Hi, apologies for resurrecting that old thread.

    The formula provided by AliGW in the previous thread about this isn't working for me.

    I have a long list of 'names' (multiple words and single words e.g. 'Me Too', 'Tubbies on Telly' or 'Footing') on a sheet. For context this is a logbook of rock climbs in different places.
    On a different sheet I want to list all cells that start with a specific letter that is entered in cell M1.

    I modified Ali's formula to use my sheets =INDEX('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$7263,SMALL(IF(LEFT('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$7263,1)=$M$1,ROW('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$7263)),ROW(1:1))-1,1)
    but it returns #VALUE! unless I make it an array formula by doing ctrl+shift+enter, at which point it returns a valid name from the list but this name does not start with the letter entered in cell M1. e.g. M1 = "J", result given is "Thriving Sincerity".

    Is there some I'm missing here?

    I have been generating similar lists from this data, returning the names based on what 'place' I select from a dropdown box using this formula:
    =IFERROR(INDEX('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$7642,AGGREGATE(15,6,(ROW('all boulders'!$B$12:$B$7642)-ROW('all boulders'!$B$12)+ 1)/('all boulders'!$B$12:$B$7642 =$H$1), ROW('all boulders'!$A1))), "")
    The value in $H$1 is the selected 'place' that I want the list of names to be at. i.e. 'Tubbies on Telly' is at a place called 'Fontainebleau'.
    I am able to drag this formula down until it returns '0' when there are no more names listed as being in Fontainebleau.

    I thought I might be able to modify this formula to list all names beginning with a specific letter by using the LEFT formula instead of the AGGREGATE formula but I can't get it to work.

    I confess I am not knowledgable with excel formula. Up to now I have found answers to my problems by searching the web and manipulating the suggested solutions I find. e.g. I can't explain to you/anyone how the above formula works exactly but I kind of see what it is doing!

    Apologies for the long, potentially confusing, post. I hope one of you amazing peeps can help me out.
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