I am dumb. There are a million examples almost exactly like this, but none
that I can find that is precisely the same, and I can't figure it out.

The problem: Subtotaling a large data set.

Say I have three columns:

1. apple 3 4
2. apple 4 5
3. orang 3 2
4. cran 3 1
5. zebra 9 3
6. zebra 2 1
98. car 4 3
What I would like to do, is subtotal col "B" & "C" if "A" is the same.. So,
if it is apples, sum up all the B's and put it somewhere, & sum up all the
c's and put it somewhere. Is this possible, without going typing in each
manually, or summing individually?

Thanks a million to the genius that is most gracious to help me out!