
Say your product drop down has choices of:


You need to create a rate table for each Product and name each table as the
product that it corresponds to.

Say A1 is the product drop down and B1 is the rate drop down.

As the source for the drop down in B1 use:


So, if Product1 was selected from the drop down in cell A1 then the drop
down in B1 will use the named range Product1 as the source for the rates
that correspond to product1.


"ynissel" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>I have list of products that are tied to rates.
> one product has 5 rates and the second has 10 rates.
> The product is chosen by a drop down box
> I have a lookup to create a table with the rates- this is range named
> "rates".
> I have a drop down box linked to "rates" so a customer can choose the
> product and the rate with drop down boxes.
> My issue is that if the product with 5 rates is chosen then you have a 5
> blank rows in the rate drop down box. Is there any way to link the drop
> down
> to 2 different range names - based on product - or is there some better
> way
> to do this ?
> Thanks,
> Yosef