This may not be possible but it would be really cool if it were. My job requires me to travel to different businesses and record certain readings in a pda. From this information i have to make several different reports. One of the reports is a master spreadsheet that has all of the data i've collected over the past years.

Here is the problem. I can download the pda data and have it populate my other spreadsheets. However, for the master spreadsheet i can only make it replace the data from the previous week unless i go to each row and change the file in each box. For instance, I would have to change each cell in each row from ='[week1]sheet1'!$a$1 to ='[week2]sheet1'!$a$1 in order for it keep a cumulative tab.

So is there a way that whenever I download my pda that my master spreadsheet will know to skip to the next row to input data instead of overwriting data from the week before?