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Need to compare columns in different worksheets. Help!

  1. #1
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    Excel 2003

    Need to compare columns in different worksheets. Help!

    Help! I have only rudimentary knowledge of excel, but I know there must be a way to do this. I have two worksheets: GRANTS and UPDATES. GRANTS is my total project list. UPDATES lists SOME of projects as GRANTS, but with an additional column that includes a status update. Not every project from GRANTS is on UPDATE. Each worksheet has an ID# column. I would like to compare the ID# column in GRANTS & UPDATES and if they have the same #, have the status from UPDATES put in a new column with the corresponding ID# in GRANTS worksheet. Help!

  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Need to compare columns in different worksheets. Help!

    Hi and welcome to the forum

    From the sounds of it, you can probably do this with a vlookup(). the syntax is...
    =VLOOKUP(what-you-want-to-find,range-to-search-in,column-that-contains-the-match,FALSE) FALSE is for finding an exact match

    so, assuming ID is in column A on each sheet and "status update" is in column E...
    If you want to error trap (ie, hide the errors for a "not found") then use this.
    for 2003...
    for 2007 onwards...
    1. Use code tags for VBA. [code] Your Code [/code] (or use the # button)
    2. If your question is resolved, mark it SOLVED using the thread tools
    3. Click on the star if you think someone helped you


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