Hey Everyone,

I'm dealing with conditional formating. I've set it up so that specific cells will have their fill colors change depending on information on a particular cell. I have roughly 125 rows where I need to change the conditional formating formula.

For Exmaple
Row #1 =OR($F$4="MT/G7", $F$4="NCA", $F$4="AHS", $F$4="H2", $F$4="Shuttle")
Row #2 =OR($F$6="MT/G7", $F$6="NCA", $F$6="AHS", $F$6="H2", $F$6="Shuttle")

The process of changing each cell with conditional formating is very tedious... I can't copy or drag down the conditional formating, errors occur.

So questions:
- Is there a way to reduce the above forumla so that I only have to change on cell. For example, something along the lines of =Or($F$4="Mt/G7", "NCA", "AHS") <- this doesnt work, but I just want to have to change one number... so from $F$4 to $F$6.. etc. Rather than doing it for every ""
-Ideally I'd like to set up the correct conditional formating and then copy or drag it down with Excel figuring out which cells it needs to apply too and chance the formula by 2 every time. But I havent been able to do so.

Any help would be greatly appreciate, thanks!