
I have just discovered that the formula =days360(date1,date2) is counting 30 days for February, for every date - except for 28th of February:

26/02/2013 to 01/03/2013 = 5 days = wrong
27/02/2013 to 01/03/2013 = 4 days = wrong
28/02/2013 to 01/03/2013 = 1 days = Correct
01/03/2013 to 01/03/2013 = 0 days

Is that really a bug in Excel or am I doing something wrong.

I am using MS Office 2010, i tested it in 2013 - it does the same there, BUT there is a new formula in 2013 - =days(start date;end date) that seems to be working fine

Thank you