i have an excel file, that has data listed in a funny way. there is no header column or row
the data is only separated by an identifier number in the first column
and the rest of the data i need is in different columns and rows
here is an example the = is a different column and each line is a different row
m12345 = =smith, john a = = = = = = = = =
= =DOB: = 12/12/1918= = = = male = = = =
= = home address: = = = = = = = = =
= = 1234 = = = =anystreet dr = = = = =
= = san antonio = = = = = TX = = = = 12345
m2345 = = lopes, joe = = = = = = = = =
= = DOB =1/1/1 = = = = male = = = =
how do i extract the last name first name dob, address, city, state, zip, gender for each person
any help would be helpful i need to organize the data correctly so i can use mail merge but since there are no headers and it's not organized it doesnt work