Hi All,

Long story short, my dept has an Access database with Lot information, and another department has a spreadsheet with different Lot information. They want to include my Access lot info in their spreadsheet. To do this, I have set up another tab on their spreadsheet with a "From Access" data import, which I have set to update whenever the spreadsheet is opened. My goal is to perform a VLOOKUP based on lot number, matching their Lot numbers with the Lot numbers and data imported from Access. Everything with the VLOOKUP formula looks good, but for whatever reason, the Lot #'s imported from Access are not matching up to the ones that are on their spreadsheet. I have narrowed this down to a Data Type issue, where the imported lot numbers are not registering as "Number" data type, even after I highlight the entire column and change the type to "Number". The only way that I have found to fix this is to highlight an imported Lot #, click in the formula bar, and then tab off. Then, like magic, it recognizes it as a "Number" and the VLOOKUP for that lot connects properly. My question is, does anyone know why this is happening?