Hi guys,

Here's a link to the worksheet I'm describing. I tried attaching it here but that function doesnt seem to be working. I've tried 2 diff browsers. Never had this problem before so I'm guessing its a temporary glitch.


I had to delete the links to other worksheets here so everything is now hardcoded. Sorry about that.

At the moment this worksheet has a Summary and a Details section. In the Summary it shows each store that has an action associated with it, and the date for this. One store per line.
The Details section shows the details behind the summary section. The financial impact mainly, but also each store has multiple rows.

1/ I would like to make this worksheet a bit more usable. The main problem I have right now is that I can only seem to apply filters to one section at a time. Ideally I'd like to do so to both. Can anyone help with this? Earlier I used a table for the above section, which helped with having 2 sets of filters, but then I found editing multiple cells in the table was a pain. Apparently you cant change multiple cells at the same time? I'm not particularly experienced in using tables.

2/ I would love it if there was a way for the above sections and below to show the same data. So that if I filter for Closed stores in the above section, the bottom section automatically gets filtered for that. If I choose stores 608 & 604 in the bottom section, the top also has that. Is this possible at all?

3/ I dont know if #2 will be possible, or even this one, but let me try. Lets say I identify 5 stores I want to filter by. Scrolling through a long list is a pain, when doing this tens of times. Advanced filters makes it much better but is not greatly convenient. Is there a way I can paste a list of 5 stores into a field and be shown only those stores?

4/ Assuming #2 and #3 arent possible, is there a way to rapidly change filters, from the Summary being filtered to the Detailed section? I know Custom Views but in my experience that takes a long time (the other day I had to cancel it) and its not always reliable. I'd like to be able to quickly switch between the two. And ideally to filter something in the Summary, then switch to the below section and filter it without removing the filter from above.

I'm not familiar with VBasic so the solution cant include that please!

I dont know if #2 & #3 are even possible. If the first one is that'd be great.

Thanks a lot!