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Recurring Task List

  1. #1
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    Recurring Task List

    I am creating a "team" task list with recurring activities that take place either monthly, quarterly or yearly.

    In Col A is the "day" due for each task (e.g. 1, 10, 20, 30).

    Col B is the "frequency" (e.g. Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly).

    Col C is the task itself.

    I have then been asked to create some kind of schedule (January - December) so that we can track the tasks, e.g. when completed, type in either the date completed or the word "complete", then by doing so, the next due date is calculated based on the "day", and "frequency".

    I've tried to look for free templates but can't seem to find something to fit the bill, so wondered if anyone has come across anything like this before please?

    thank you


  2. #2
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Recurring Task List

    Will the task only last for one day, or is it likely to take place over several days?

    Will you have other tasks which you would need to overlay on this schedule, and if so, how many concurrent tasks are you likely to have on a single day?


  3. #3
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    Re: Recurring Task List

    Hi Pete

    Thank you for your response. I've attached an example of the spreadsheet I'm trying to put together.

    I want to keep it rather simple, but at the same time, intuitive.

    For example, it would be great that the due date updates automatically when the corresponding month has been completed.

    The list will remain static, but the task gets repeated monthly, quarterly, yearly on a specific day.

    When the owner completes the task, he/she updates the corresponding coloumn with either "complete", a check box or something similar. Then the due date automatically updates to be the next due date.

    Then at a glance we can see each month which tasks are complete and what need doing.

    I've also highlighted the corresponding months on the Quarterly or Yearly just as a visual so we know thats the corresponding month (as opposed to a monthly task).

    Thank you for your help.

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  4. #4
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    Re: Recurring Task List

    Quote Originally Posted by Nikki Fox View Post
    I am creating a "team" task list with recurring activities that take place either monthly, quarterly or yearly.

    In Col A is the "day" due for each task (e.g. 1, 10, 20, 30).

    Col B is the "frequency" (e.g. Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly).

    Col C is the task itself.

    I have then been asked to create some kind of schedule (January - December) so that we can track the tasks, e.g. when completed, type in either the date completed or the word "complete", then by doing so, the next due date is calculated based on the "day", and "frequency".

    I've tried to look for free templates but can't seem to find something to fit the bill, so wondered if anyone has come across anything like this before please?

    thank you

    Hi pete - don't panic if you can't, but I was just wondering if you'd had a chance to look at this .... Thank you. Did the attachment show? Thanks for your help. Nikki

  5. #5
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Recurring Task List

    Hi Nikki,

    sorry, this moved down the list of threads too quickly, and I forgot about it.

    In the attached file I've set up conditional formatting on column C, to act as a key to the three colours. I've also applied conditional formatting to the cells G3:R41 using these three rules:

    Green: =AND($C3="Monthly",G3="")

    Yellow: =AND($C3="Quarterly",G3="",MOD(COLUMN(G3)-6,3)=MOD(MONTH($A3),3))

    Blue: =AND($C3="Yearly",G3="",MONTH($A3)=COLUMN(G3)-6)

    You can put any text in the highlighted cells, to turn the colour off, as can be seen in G3, G4 and G6.

    Hope this helps.

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