Hello, In chart Logarithmic Scale Base shows "Enter a Number from 2 to 1000", It means 2x up to 1000x :

such as : when base is 2 and base number is 1000 then shows 2000 - 4000 - 8000 - 16000 - ... doubles down

when base is 10 and base number is 1000 then shows 10000 - 100000 - 1000000 - 10000000 - ... tenfold increase

now I need Logarithmic Scale show me less than 2x

such as : base number could be show "0.2" in the case of base number is 1000 then show : 1200 - 1440 - 1728 - 2073

etc ...

in arithmetic chart is not problem but in logarithmic This restriction is annoying


Is this Excel behavior changeable or can a trick be used?

Thanks for your advice.