I need help with the following scenario.

Suppose I have an excel spreadsheet with the following properties.
In column A, I have a list of names.
In column B, I have a list of order statuses.

The same name may be in column A once or multiple times. For example, "John Doe" may appear on row 3 with "Put in order" in column B. Then John Doe may appear 2 or three more times in say... rows 10, 17, and 21 with "Called about order", "Picked up order" and "Filled out survey".

Suppose I want to know the most recent thing John Doe did, how would I figure that out?

A vlookup won't work because his name is on there multiple times. In the above example, I want to be able to put in another cell "John Doe" and get back "Filled out survey" because that's the most recent thing that happened. Assuming column B only has 3 or 5 different options, how would I get that "John Doe / Filled out survey" information?