What I meant to say in my first response to you is that the numbers still
won't sort unless I perform a delete at the beginning of each number, which
in essence, is pressing the backspace key.

Once I do that the numbers will sort in with the existing numbers in the
spreadsheet. I have even tried the format painter. Still doesn't work.

Connie Martin

"CyberTaz" wrote:

> Hi Connie-
> Have you tried using Edit>Paste Special - Values ?
> HTH |:>)
> "Connie Martin" wrote:
> > When I copy rows from a pivot table and paste into another worksheet of
> > numbers, which is NOT a pivot table, I can't sort all together (existing
> > number in worksheet together with numbers from pivot table). I have tried
> > formatting all to 'number' but that doesn't work. The only thing I've found
> > that works is to click in the cell of each number pasted from the pivot table
> > and hit the delete key at the beginning. There's no space there, there's
> > nothing there. But hitting the delete key seems to "free" the cell in order
> > to sort with the rest. This, however, is VERY time-consuming. Can anyone
> > tell me a faster method?
> >
> > Thank you
> > Connie Martin