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finding a particular cell in another worksheet whose row number ch

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  1. #1

    finding a particular cell in another worksheet whose row number ch

    Hi I'm new to macros. I've been trying to make a workbook that I can use at
    work to track the progress of numerous projects. I have created a master
    copy which will be modified for several different projects. When milestones
    are reached the owner of the projects records this in the sheet in a colum
    named "Done". This is compared to another column called "planned" and a
    percentage can be made called "adherance to planned" This is then tracked for
    each month for each ROW, (as each row will represent a new component of the

    In another sheet I devised a formatted repot to summaris the data. I got
    this working, even made a macro to do it, But my problem is in worksheet 1,
    extra lines will be added/deleted and the cell reference for the SUM of the
    rows above will constantly have a different row address (same column). I
    would like to up date my macro so that it copies a range of cells at the
    bottom of my spreadsheet.

    Any ideas would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: finding a particular cell in another worksheet whose row number ch

    I like to pick out a column that always has info in it if the row is used. Then
    use that to determine the rows to copy.

    For instance:

    dim LastRow as long
    dim fwks as worksheet
    dim twks as worksheet
    dim rngtocopy as range
    dim destcell as range

    set fwks = workbooks("otherworkbook.xls").worksheets("Sheet1")
    set twks = workbooks("summaryworkbook.xls").worksheets("Sheet1")

    with fwks
    lastrow = .cells(.rows.count,"A").end(xlup).row
    'skip the header in row 1 and copy through column F
    set rngtocopy = .range("A2:F" & lastrow)
    end with

    set destcell = twks.cells(.rows.count,"A").end(xlup).offset(1,0)

    rngtocopy.copy _

    And if you put your formula in row 1 (always visible with windows|freeze panes),
    you could just use the rest of the column:


    And never worry about that address.

    Andrew wrote:
    > Hi I'm new to macros. I've been trying to make a workbook that I can use at
    > work to track the progress of numerous projects. I have created a master
    > copy which will be modified for several different projects. When milestones
    > are reached the owner of the projects records this in the sheet in a colum
    > named "Done". This is compared to another column called "planned" and a
    > percentage can be made called "adherance to planned" This is then tracked for
    > each month for each ROW, (as each row will represent a new component of the
    > project).
    > In another sheet I devised a formatted repot to summaris the data. I got
    > this working, even made a macro to do it, But my problem is in worksheet 1,
    > extra lines will be added/deleted and the cell reference for the SUM of the
    > rows above will constantly have a different row address (same column). I
    > would like to up date my macro so that it copies a range of cells at the
    > bottom of my spreadsheet.
    > Any ideas would be appreciated.
    > --
    > agibson
    > --
    > agibson


    Dave Peterson

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