I have been using VLOOKUP functions extensively for a long time and recently
encountered a problem that I haven't seen before.

My VLOOKUP formula is: =VLOOKUP(B564,$B$1:$F$558,5,FALSE)

When I insert a new blank column in the middle of the array, the VLOOKUP
function continues to return the same value as it did before I inserted the
column. After inserting the column, the old value is now in the 6th column,
but the VLOOKUP output doesn't change.

The calculation option in the Tools-Options menu is set to "Automatic" and
pressing the F9 key doesn't change the output. The only way I am able to get
the VLOOKUP to change is by going into the VLOOKUP function and then pressing

A person I know recently told me that he also has this problem with the
VLOOKUP. Has anyone encountered this problem before? Any suggestions would
be appreciated.