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Handling large amounts of text in an Excel spreadsheet

  1. #1

    Handling large amounts of text in an Excel spreadsheet

    I'm doing research and have large amounts of transcription to paste into
    Excel. Some of the text gets cut off in the cell (it's there but I cannot
    view it unless I double click on the cell.) When I go to print, how will I
    get all of the text to appear?


  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Handling large amounts of text in an Excel spreadsheet

    If you add alt-enters (to force new lines within the cell) every 80-100
    characters, then you'll be able to see more in that cell.

    But that might be more work than it's worth...

    Have you thought of using a table in MSWord. And you'll be able to use all the
    power of a word processor to make it look really pretty.

    gemini wrote:
    > I'm doing research and have large amounts of transcription to paste into
    > Excel. Some of the text gets cut off in the cell (it's there but I cannot
    > view it unless I double click on the cell.) When I go to print, how will I
    > get all of the text to appear?
    > Thanks


    Dave Peterson

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