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Collating data in several columns

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  1. #5
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    Ok, have attached an example similar to the type of thing I need to work with.

    For me the difficulty is all about getting the list of team names that appear in all quarters so I can use a Vlookup on them to get the information to compare teams by quarter and put a zero in if there was no value returned. The latter part I can do, its just finding the easiest (quickest) way of getting the names.

    Hope you can help, and hope the example makes sense.

    Oh and I have Excel 2007 at home, but unfortunately on Excel 2003 in work, so if the solution is practical to work with 2003 I would be grateful.


    PS. I know that once I have copypasted all team names from all quarters being referenced into one column the pivot table function will summarise them into a nice list, would prefer to just be able to select the table and get this information.
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    Last edited by CardiffExcel; 12-13-2008 at 12:58 PM. Reason: forgot to add a bit...

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