I am in some desperate need of help. So I will just get straight to the point.
I creating a spreadsheet to keep track of my employees training history (Tracker). On one sheet I have all the names down the left side (65+) and across the top I have the type of training they attend (30). In the middle is where I fill in the date the employee attended the class.
Then I have a separate sheet for each employee with their information, including each training the employee.
What I am needing is to make each cell in my tracker, to correspond with the employees information. I need to make each cell correspond with each other when I change information on either sheet. Sometimes I might train 1 employee where I would just update the information on his personal sheet, or I might train all 65 where I would need to change information in multiple cells.
I can link the cells but you can only change information on one sheet or the other, and only 1 cell at a time. How can I accomplish this without spending hours on end jumping between sheets and making the cells work with each other? Thank you and I greatly appreciate you help.